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Version: 0.18.1

Generic extension methods


DateTime(1900).isLeapYear; // false

DateTime(2023, DateTime.july, 14).week; //


// Moon landing happened before present time
DateTime(1969, DateTime.july, 20) < now; // true

DateTime.utc(1970) == DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0, isUtc: true); // true

List of extensions


  • date

    Returns new object with hours, minutes, ..., microseconds omitted

  • isLeapYear

  • hour12

  • isAm

  • isPm

  • quarter

  • week

    ISO Week number

  • weekYear

    Year according to ISO Week

  • dayOfYear

    Ordinal day of the year

    • January 1st => 1
    • December 31st => 365 (or 366 if isLeapYear)


  • differenceInDays

  • timeZoneFormatted

  • clone()

    Returns object of same type as the original.

    Moment().clone(); // A new Moment instance
    DateTime().clone(); // A new DateTime instance
  • toMoment({MomentLocalization? localization})

  • format

    String format({
    String payload = MomentLocalization.localizationDefaultDateFormat,
    bool forceLocal = false,
    MomentLocalization? localization,

    Format DateTime objects without need of creating Moment. (Not really recommended, no point in avoiding Moment)


Now you can use operators on DateTime (and Moment) objects

  • +(other)

    is equivalent to add(other)

  • -(other)

    is equivalent to subtract(other)

  • >(other)

    is equivalent to isAfter(other)

  • <(other)

    is equivalent to isBefore(other)

  • >=(other)

    is equivalent to isAfter(other) || isAtSameMomentAs(other)

  • <=(other)

    is equivalent to isBefore(other) || isAtSameMomentAs(other)