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Version: 4.0.1

Is at same year/month/.../second

Unit comparison cascades. Meaning, if the following is true

this.isAtSameDayAs(other) == true;

these are naturally true.



// Local timezone is UTC+8

final DateTime otherBday = DateTime(2003, DateTime.june, 19);
final Moment spiritRoverOnMars = DateTime(2003, DateTime.june, 10).toMoment();

otherBday.isAtSameMonthAs(spiritRoverOnMars); // true
otherBday.isAtSameYearAs(spiritRoverOnMars); // true

List of methods

All extension methods can be called on DateTime and Moment objects.

Setting enforceUTC: true converts both operands to UTC before checking.

  • isAtSameYearAs()

  • isAtSameMonthAs()

  • isAtSameDayAs()

  • isAtSameHourAs()

  • isAtSameMinuteAs()

  • isAtSameSecondAs()

  • isAtSameMillisecondAs()

  • isAtSameMicrosecondAs()

  • isSameLocalWeekAs(DateTime other, [int weekStart = DateTime.monday])

    When called on DateTime objects, weekStart defaults to DateTime.monday.

    Calling it on Moment will determine the start of the week from its localization, therefore omitting the optional argument.